Homes That Heal | Transform Your Home Into a Health and Wellness Sanctuary

A New Beginning: My Path to Health and Wellness, Part 2

June 24, 2024 Jen Heller | Wellness Educator, Infrared Sauna Expert, Home Health Consultant Episode 4

Have you ever found yourself stuck on your health journey? Like no matter what you do, you can't make progress?

Achieving your health goals requires more than just a plan. It takes determination, commitment, and a strong mindset. Without them, it's easy to give up when the going gets tough. But with them, you can overcome any obstacle and improve your wellness.

If you haven’t caught Part 1 of this episode yet, you’re missing out on understanding the pivotal point that started my journey toward health and wellness. That episode focused on the reason for change that caused a deep longing within me.

Now, in this episode, which is Part 2, I delve deeper into how I turned my challenges into triumphs and regained my well-being. I emphasize the importance of recognizing the blessings that come from deep emotional pain and expressing my gratitude for the positive changes they brought into my life. The pivotal moment fueled my determination to shift my mindset and lifestyle in a significant way.

My path to a healthier lifestyle wasn't an overnight transformation. It was a series of intentional steps, each playing an important role in my journey towards health and wellness.

Ready to learn the actions I took towards a healthier me? Tune in now!

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